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Main: Sites for Women: Fun Stuff: Shopping

Toys & Vibrators Designed With a Woman in Mind

 Bedroom Sports - While most outdoor sports (at least spectator sports) are overrated, bedroom sports are definitely underrated! Make yourself an all star player with this extensive and affordable collection of toys, lingerie, and DVDs.

Game Link - Deceptively titled, this site actually provides a nice selection of videos especially for women, as well as toys and leather goods.

 Intimate Gifts - Have you ever been to the back part of Spencer's Gifts? You know, the part with all the naughty games and lubes? Well now you can get all that and more at Intimate Gifts - a very female friendly online adult shop. From vibrating nipple clamps to porn women like - you'll be sure to find something here.

 Chocolate Fantasies - Chocolate has always been a sensual food, so it makes sense to pair the food with erotic shapes. I am amazed from the amount of different chocolates available at this site - from sexy little chocolate pussies to an x-rated chocolate santa, you're sure to find a gift for any horny chocolate eater.

Clone Your Bone and Match Your Snatch - Believe it or not, this site is pretty much what it sounds! It sells kits in which you can order clits to cast your private parts in order to make custom gift or decorations for your house. I'm truly delighted with the idea of a pink clone of my pussy on my fridge, although I am a bit sketchy about the wax part. I'll have to let you know how it turns out.

 Condomania - It seems that condoms are a necessary evil these days, and this site makes the best of it with basically every kind you could imagine. Not sure where to start? Check out the review section or order a sampler. And if you don't use condoms, there are still other goodies to buy here - including funky, sexy housewares.

 Fredericks of Hollywood - When I was thirteen, I remember sneaking Fredericks of Hollywood catalogs into my conservative home. The wild and sexy clothing appealed to me even back then, and thankfully, I can now buy their stuff both online and in the local mall. For a while Fredericks tried to be a bit more classy, but now they are back to those open cupped bras. Hurray!

 My Body Double - Have you ever found a penis you liked so much that you wish that you could rip it off and keep it as your own? Well, at this site, you can get the next best thing - ingredients to make your own custom dildo from the penis of your choice. You can also mold your breast or hand or ear or nose...

 Naughty Pillows - What more could your kinky bachelorette pad need than a fluffy, oversized penis pillow? There's also a Penis Pillow Jr., as well as some Bosom Buddies and Cushie Tushie to snuggle with. Turn your bedroom into a comfy x-rated palace overnight!

 Spankie - Spankie goes beyond your typical condoms and sex toys store by offering tons of fun content. From embarrassing sex stories to lube reviews, you'll probably spend more time reading at this site than actually shopping.

Trashy Lingerie - Even if you don't look like a porn star, you can dress like one with the sexy, glam outfits from Trashy Lingerie. Unwilling to spend $75 on a halter top - no problem, head to the bargains section which has tons of stuff under twenty dollars.

 Unisex Personal Grooming Kit - Wow! I've experimented with different types of pubic hair, but I've never gone so far as to include glitter hair color and stencils in my grooming routine. This site features all that and more in its pubic grooming kits. I just can't fathom the possibilities.

 Bachelorette Party Store - Although I am not planning on any bachelorette parties soon, I still dig this online store. All sorts of campy items can be found here for cheap - like penis shaped ice cube trays and edible temporary tattoos. A bit too penis-centric and silly for some, there are a few fun finds.